Thursday, January 4, 2007

Almost time to go back....

Well its Thursday and i guess it is back to work on Monday :( Well my big plan this past week was to work on my course and it looks like i failed that. I guess i am done pretty much 5 assignment so only 10 more to go by the end of Feb. I totally i decided i am just going to do a half ass job and hope i get a B or i guess i could live with a C. lol Well got to see Derek the other night so that was good and then me and Caity came back and talked...we seem to be able to talk for along time. Oh well it is always interesting. Hmm whats up for January..4-H, course, family get together. Then i am house sitting for Feb and March so won't be posting much as i will not have access to the internet. So i was just thinking about all the friends i once had and wondered what the hell did i do that no one wants to hang out with me except Caitlin..thanx Caity you keep me sane.

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