Friday, December 29, 2006

Well ain't life just grand...just venting

So it's been like a week since i have wrote in here. I am not in a very good mood right now cause nothing seems to be going right and some things are just little but still irritating. Well me and Caitlin were talking and i realized how little friends i actaully do have and how i only talk regularly to one person in my class. I like never go out and have like no social life at all. It looks like i am going to spend another New Years Eve at home as i have no money what so ever to go out and do anything. I have 13 more assignments to finish before feb 28th and i thought it was not going to be that bad but i was taking a look at the assignments today and they don't look too easy and they look time consuming. What else...well i have my moms cat here and it keeps pissing on the carpet in the porch and on the floor in the laundry room so constantly my house stinks. So i put the cat outside cause i am pissed off and feel like being mean. And then i need to find the money to take my own cat to the vet to get you know what chopped off. God everything revolves around money these days. So i have not had an oven element since i moved in so i finally went out and bought one and my sister and me were putting it in tonight and it would not fit because the screws were too big, so now i have to try and find the same length of screws but smaller around. i know sounds stupid but little things like that are making me really mad lately. I always say it but really if i had the money i think i would try to get out of this town. Besides my family and some friends there is nothing here. Ok and right now my mouse won't go where i want it to and it has been doing that for awhile and it is really pissing me off. Man i just need to win the lottery but i guess i should buy a lottery ticket to make those odds a little higher..oh wait i can't afford one...Well i think that i am done venting for awhile.

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