Sunday, December 10, 2006

Well it is Sunday and have not wrote in here for awhile. I finished my christmas shopping yesterday so thats good. I saw Katie, Megan , Lauren and Michele and Robyn and about half of Strath. Friday was our 4-H Christmas party, it was ok. Got some bad news this morning about someone, i guess you will all find out soon enough. Tried to clean my house this morning, i guess i got some crap done, just seems like it never stays clean. I need Hannah to live with me so she can clean it all the time and then i would not have to worry about it. Man am i ever glad that there is only 10 days of work left. That sounds bad but i am ready for a big break and have some much of my course to do. Hopefully people will come visit me over the holidays, ya a person can dream. Well thats all for now as my sister is here and i have more cleaning to do and i could use a nap lol

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