Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I dunno

Wholey shit it has been a long time since i have wrote in here. Not sure what is really new since then. Well lets see the weekend of Jan 6th. Me Katie and Hannah went to the hockey game in SL then we came back to my house and we played poker and that was very entertaining. Katie won although i think she cheated :P BAck to work on the 8th...ever since then just been work 4-h crap and working on my course. I have to house/animal sit this weekend and then Jan 31st till like March 20th or somewhere in there. Got a family skating night at the oval this Friday...Hannah you better seriously be coming lol Good old 4 day weekend the weekend after this one ....looking forward to that of course.Well thats about all for right now as my supper is probably burning lol


katryn said...

katiestheshiznit.blogspot.com...new url...update woman

Candace said...

OK Katie i will get right on it