Tuesday, December 5, 2006

This is hard to think of a name everytime

Well today was alright i guess had to get up early for a staff meeting. They day went pretty good. Came home after school and did some laundry and the dishes, made some phone calls i had to and then called my sis at work and told her she had to cook me supper so i went over there. Had some supper, wrapped some presents for her, complained about how cold her house was until she turned the heat up. Kenny came over to fix her computer and then got stuck when he was leaving so that was pretty funny. Now i am online talking to Katie and Nathan. Then i should probably go to bed..work again tomorrow and we are going to KeeSee.


katryn said...

Im special!! lol :D

x valerie-anne said...

candace has a blog ?! haha sweet! check out mine .. http://it-ends-tonightx.blogspot.com !