Monday, December 4, 2006

Finally Figuring It Out

So anyways i think i am starting to figure out what i am doing it will never be fancy or anything but oh well, maybe someday "someone" will come and visit me and do it up for me. Anyways i am really bored and having been talking on MSN for quite awhile while there is lots of other shit i could be doing. Today was pretty boring, just work as normal and can't talk about that so anyways i lead a boring life and have no friends to do anything with lol I have been talking to Katie for a long time and talking about stupid crap like me having 5 kids and all that lol anyways thats it for today and i will probably forget about this for awhile :)

1 comment:

katryn said...

hey only us cool kids sit on the cmputer for hours lol haha were defintely cool lol gotta a busy night tonight though lol :P