Saturday, December 23, 2006

Almost Christmas!

Hey well i have not posted in awhile so i thought i would before i go to bed tonight. I am excited for Christmas. Well this past week was alright so glad to be on holidays though. Let me see what did i do this week. It was my sisters birthday on wednesday. We went to the hockey game on friday and then i stayed and went to my nanas and we went out for supper so that was good. Today i did odd jobs to get ready for x-mas so i am pretty tired, looking forward to a good sleep. Got a picture of my "lil sister" today so that was exciting :) Well i should go there is alot of shit to do tomorrow.

1 comment:

katryn said...

Candace stinks like rotten cheese lol jk!! Merry Christmas to you too.. I Know its a little late lol :D