Friday, December 29, 2006

Well ain't life just grand...just venting

So it's been like a week since i have wrote in here. I am not in a very good mood right now cause nothing seems to be going right and some things are just little but still irritating. Well me and Caitlin were talking and i realized how little friends i actaully do have and how i only talk regularly to one person in my class. I like never go out and have like no social life at all. It looks like i am going to spend another New Years Eve at home as i have no money what so ever to go out and do anything. I have 13 more assignments to finish before feb 28th and i thought it was not going to be that bad but i was taking a look at the assignments today and they don't look too easy and they look time consuming. What else...well i have my moms cat here and it keeps pissing on the carpet in the porch and on the floor in the laundry room so constantly my house stinks. So i put the cat outside cause i am pissed off and feel like being mean. And then i need to find the money to take my own cat to the vet to get you know what chopped off. God everything revolves around money these days. So i have not had an oven element since i moved in so i finally went out and bought one and my sister and me were putting it in tonight and it would not fit because the screws were too big, so now i have to try and find the same length of screws but smaller around. i know sounds stupid but little things like that are making me really mad lately. I always say it but really if i had the money i think i would try to get out of this town. Besides my family and some friends there is nothing here. Ok and right now my mouse won't go where i want it to and it has been doing that for awhile and it is really pissing me off. Man i just need to win the lottery but i guess i should buy a lottery ticket to make those odds a little higher..oh wait i can't afford one...Well i think that i am done venting for awhile.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Almost Christmas!

Hey well i have not posted in awhile so i thought i would before i go to bed tonight. I am excited for Christmas. Well this past week was alright so glad to be on holidays though. Let me see what did i do this week. It was my sisters birthday on wednesday. We went to the hockey game on friday and then i stayed and went to my nanas and we went out for supper so that was good. Today i did odd jobs to get ready for x-mas so i am pretty tired, looking forward to a good sleep. Got a picture of my "lil sister" today so that was exciting :) Well i should go there is alot of shit to do tomorrow.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Almost Done

Well only 5 more days of work until break...i cannot wait! Well the last time i wrote was on sunday so let me think. Monday i went to Brandon to supper and a movie on a school trip thing, it was fun! Tuesday i had to go get blood taken :( Wednesday i had to do amys hair for the concert and then go to the concert. Thursday i don't think i did anything, cleaned my house up a bit. Friday was our staff x-mas party. Today i cleaned a bit, went to my moms wrapped some presents ran some errands for her. Now i am back home and about to watch some tv and have a nap cause i have my sisters x-mas party tonight in minnedosa so i better not be to tired. But hey its free food and free booze who could pass that up. Tomorrow my other sister comes home.Anyways thats about all i have to say right now.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Well it is Sunday and have not wrote in here for awhile. I finished my christmas shopping yesterday so thats good. I saw Katie, Megan , Lauren and Michele and Robyn and about half of Strath. Friday was our 4-H Christmas party, it was ok. Got some bad news this morning about someone, i guess you will all find out soon enough. Tried to clean my house this morning, i guess i got some crap done, just seems like it never stays clean. I need Hannah to live with me so she can clean it all the time and then i would not have to worry about it. Man am i ever glad that there is only 10 days of work left. That sounds bad but i am ready for a big break and have some much of my course to do. Hopefully people will come visit me over the holidays, ya a person can dream. Well thats all for now as my sister is here and i have more cleaning to do and i could use a nap lol

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

This is hard to think of a name everytime

Well today was alright i guess had to get up early for a staff meeting. They day went pretty good. Came home after school and did some laundry and the dishes, made some phone calls i had to and then called my sis at work and told her she had to cook me supper so i went over there. Had some supper, wrapped some presents for her, complained about how cold her house was until she turned the heat up. Kenny came over to fix her computer and then got stuck when he was leaving so that was pretty funny. Now i am online talking to Katie and Nathan. Then i should probably go to again tomorrow and we are going to KeeSee.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Finally Figuring It Out

So anyways i think i am starting to figure out what i am doing it will never be fancy or anything but oh well, maybe someday "someone" will come and visit me and do it up for me. Anyways i am really bored and having been talking on MSN for quite awhile while there is lots of other shit i could be doing. Today was pretty boring, just work as normal and can't talk about that so anyways i lead a boring life and have no friends to do anything with lol I have been talking to Katie for a long time and talking about stupid crap like me having 5 kids and all that lol anyways thats it for today and i will probably forget about this for awhile :)

Not Sure What I Am Doing

Well really i have no clue what so ever what i am doing. I got the idea from Katryn and now i am so confused lol. So let me know what the hell i am supposed to do cause i do not even know what i am doing right now and where what i am typing is going to go