Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here comes summer

Well what can i say...right now i shoudl really be studying for my test but meh i will just cheat...just kidding. Wow only 2 days of work left and that is two half days for me..cannot wait. Not sure what i am going to do all summer. I have another course to get working on. I actaully want to have some fun this summer and be a bum and have no life. Well Katie is moving in sometime in July so that is exciting. Got lots of work to do before then. Mom will be done the school forever on Friday so that is very exciting. Hmmm what else..... Well me and Smelly Kelly went on our big field trip yesterday and then went on our big date to grad supper .

Definately need to have a drink on Thursday....thats when i can start having a life and won't feel like i am being watched all the time.

Anyways thats all i know for now

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Just a lil update nothing special

Well i have not updated in along time and i am still not sure what i woudl like to say but i guess i will just try and say something. Well fastball has started but have only had one game cause of the crap weather and soccer and all that. Got a game next Thursday and a double header on Saturday. School is almost done thats good and not so good cause then i have to make some big decisions as to what the hell i want to do with my life. I need lots of money and then i could do whatever i wanted to do but we all know that is not going to happen. But i should really go to bed cause i have to work tomorrow and possibly write a test which i should have studied for but oh well why change my habits now.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thought i would post this too

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
Opening Credits: Forever and ever amen- Randy Travis
Waking up: The river- Garth Brooks
First Day At School: If I could make a living out of loving you – Clay Walker
First Love Song – You’re going to miss me when I’m done- brooks and dunn
Fight Song: Should’ve been a cowboy- Toby Keith
Breaking Up: Letters from home- JMM
Prom: Smurfs Theme Song lol
Life: Love Changes Everything-Aaron Lines
Mental Breakdown: Watching you – Rodney Adkins
Driving: I believe there are angels in Heaven – Alabama………………wow what a pumped up song..not
Flashback: Lanes Theme song from 8 Seconds
Wedding: Alyssa Lies- Jason Michael Carroll
Birth of Child: Take the money and run- Julian Austin
Final Battle: Is there life out there- Reba McIntire
Death Scene: through the years – Kenny Rogers
Funeral Song: Who I am – Jessica Andrews

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not sure what to call this one

Well spring break is almost over so that sucks ass, as i was sick for most of it. Anyways only have 3 days of work next week so thats a bonus. Well definately have no social life anymore so i pretty much stay at home, watch movies and ya thats about it. Anyways i really dunno what to say...cannot wait for all this fuckin snow to go away. Going bowling tomorrow with the family so that should be a good time. Started baseball with a good ol' practice before sprng break so thats good...definately excited for that and excited for 4-h to be done and over with. Definately should be working on my course instead of sitting here on the computer talking , but Katie makes me feel like i have friends lol Not sure what else to say wish i could find a different job that paid as good but like thats going to happen in strathclair. anyways i think i am done here.later

Monday, March 12, 2007

Good Times

Well have not posted in awhile...not sure that anyone reads it anyways lol Well hmm went to Hamtown on Saturday night that was eventful if nothing else. (THE REST OF THAT WEEKEND HAS BEEN DELETED SO IT CAN NOT BE USED AGAINST ME IN ANY WAY) Two more weeks of house sitting left and then i am back home. Found out Val and Chris and the kids are moving so thats not cool. Well i am busy right this minute so i have to finish this post and post again later

Monday, February 19, 2007

Not much...but all you asked me to do was update

Well i have not posted in a really long time..........as anyone who reads this knows i have been house/animal sitting. I really do not know what to say...........i really have no life and even if i did i probably would not be able to talk about it. Still working on my course...got to be done by feb 28th. I guess i should get working on that. Well begin my half time lay off next week starting on Monday so there will definately be no life after that. Anyways i really said nothing that people do not already know but at least i can say i updated.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Got to hate those ditches

Well Katie told me i better post so here it is. I feel like shit i have a sore throat, can't quit coughing....just wonderful , so i am taking a sick day tomorrow and am going to try and get some sleep. Nothing is really new , watched my sis play hockey this weekend and was house sitting, got to go house sitting again this week for 2 months. Went to Brandon friday night we were supposed to go skating but it was too cold so we just went shopping and went out for supper at Montanas...thanks for coming Hannah. That night after i took Hannah home i went in the ditch and her rents had to pull me out....i felt real bad. I am not sure what else to write....so thats about it for now