Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not sure what to call this one

Well spring break is almost over so that sucks ass, as i was sick for most of it. Anyways only have 3 days of work next week so thats a bonus. Well definately have no social life anymore so i pretty much stay at home, watch movies and ya thats about it. Anyways i really dunno what to say...cannot wait for all this fuckin snow to go away. Going bowling tomorrow with the family so that should be a good time. Started baseball with a good ol' practice before sprng break so thats good...definately excited for that and excited for 4-h to be done and over with. Definately should be working on my course instead of sitting here on the computer talking , but Katie makes me feel like i have friends lol Not sure what else to say wish i could find a different job that paid as good but like thats going to happen in strathclair. anyways i think i am done here.later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats because you have friends silly all you need is me :) lol haha Like what youve done with the last post lol :p keep up the Fantastic work lol love ya