Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not sure what to call this one

Well spring break is almost over so that sucks ass, as i was sick for most of it. Anyways only have 3 days of work next week so thats a bonus. Well definately have no social life anymore so i pretty much stay at home, watch movies and ya thats about it. Anyways i really dunno what to say...cannot wait for all this fuckin snow to go away. Going bowling tomorrow with the family so that should be a good time. Started baseball with a good ol' practice before sprng break so thats good...definately excited for that and excited for 4-h to be done and over with. Definately should be working on my course instead of sitting here on the computer talking , but Katie makes me feel like i have friends lol Not sure what else to say wish i could find a different job that paid as good but like thats going to happen in strathclair. anyways i think i am done here.later

Monday, March 12, 2007

Good Times

Well have not posted in awhile...not sure that anyone reads it anyways lol Well hmm went to Hamtown on Saturday night that was eventful if nothing else. (THE REST OF THAT WEEKEND HAS BEEN DELETED SO IT CAN NOT BE USED AGAINST ME IN ANY WAY) Two more weeks of house sitting left and then i am back home. Found out Val and Chris and the kids are moving so thats not cool. Well i am busy right this minute so i have to finish this post and post again later